Google IoT Gateway for Modbus
A MQTT Gateway connecting Modbus RTU with MQTT Bridge of Google IoT Core
This software is a user-solution of an “IoT Gateway” for Modbus RTU.
The intitial reason for starting this solution was the need for a Gateway for Solar Microgrids. A monitoring system for microgrids can help NGOs and companies e.g. in Eastern Africa, to prove project success and also improves predictive and reliable maintainance. Using a small embedded Linux/Windows computer, e.g. a Raspberry PI, low-cost Modbus RTU sensors can be read and a cost-effective monitoring solution is possible.
As provided this solution offers:
- Cloud: Google IoT Core
- deploying and changing Modbus configuration from the GCP.
- Reliable connection using Python Paho MQTT Client
- low data footprint in GSM szenarios: compression of multiple sensor measurements using gzip
- Modbus: Modbus RTU: RS232, RS485 via USB interface.
- read sensor values from 5-10 Modbus RTU Slaves per second
- schedule individual indivdual for each sensor and slave
You can find out more about this project in my github repo.
This code example works with google IoT Core and other MQTT Briges. However, this code it not affiated with products of Google or Google Cloud.