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Instead of installing the CLI via pip, you may also use docker to run michaelf34/infinity. Make sure you mount your accelerator, i.e. install nvidia-docker and activate with --gpus all.


docker run -it --gpus all \
 -v $volume:/app/.cache \
 -p $port:$port \
 michaelf34/infinity:latest \
 v2 \
 --model-id $model1 \
 --model-id $model2 \
 --port $port
The cache path at inside the docker container is set by the environment variable HF_HOME.

Docker with offline mode and models with custom pip packages

If you want to run infinity in a location without internet access, you can pre-download the model into the dockerfile. This is also the advised route to go, if you want to use infinity with models that require additional packages such as nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1.5.

# clone the repo
git clone
git checkout tags/0.0.32
cd libs/infinity_emb
# build download stage using docker buildx buildkit.
docker buildx build --target=production-with-download \
--build-arg MODEL_NAME=michaelfeil/bge-small-en-v1.5 --build-arg ENGINE=torch \
-f Dockerfile -t infinity-model-small .
You can also set an argument EXTRA_PACKAGES if you require to install any extra packages. --build-arg EXTRA_PACKAGES="einsum torch_geometric"

Rename and push it to your internal docker registry.

docker tag infinity-model-small  myregistryhost:5000/myinfinity/infinity:0.0.32-small
docker push myregistryhost:5000/myinfinity/infinity:small-0.0.32

Note: You can also save a dockerfile direclty as .tar. This might come in handy if you do not have a shared internal docker registry in your nuclear facility, but still want to leverage the latest semantic search. - Serverless

Integration (TBA):


dstack allows you to provision a VM instance on the cloud of your choice. Write a service configuration file as below for the deployment of BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5 model wrapped in Infinity.

type: service

image: michaelf34/infinity:latest
  - MODEL_ID=BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5
  - infinity_emb v2 --model-id $MODEL_ID --port 80
port: 80

To deploy the service, execute the following dstack command. A prompt will guide you through selecting the desired VM instance for deploying Infinity.

dstack run . -f infinity/serve.dstack.yml --gpu 16GB