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Benchmarking details

Benchmarks are always opinionated. The goal of this benchmark is to find the best possible self-hosted backend for $/token:

  1. end-to-end, including the RestAPI server
  2. multi-tenant: multiple clients will try to query your server
  3. fair batch size: You want to limit request size (sentences per requests) to something low, such that you can load balance requests, scale
  4. measured over throughput per token: Idle servers are bad for business. This benchmark is NOT about the latency for a single request against an IDLE server. It partially evaluates the latency under a typical load scenario
  5. Bert small / large - the most typical semantic search tasks require a small model (< 1B params)
  6. accuracy: each backend must have a ~1e-4 prevision over the torch fp32 embeddings.

Benchmarking machines:


  • GCP g2-standard-16
  • Intel Cascade Lake
  • 1 x NVIDIA L4, cu122


  • 16 core CPU
  • AMD MI210, rocm5.7 without flash-attn

AWS Inferentia

  • Huggingface AMI (torch-neuronx 1.13, optimum 1.17)
  • inf2.xlarge instance (2 Neuron Cores with 1 used)

Reproduction steps:

Install the environment

pip install "infinity_emb[all]==0.0.25"

sentence-transformers, fastembed, infinity

git clone
cd infinity
git checkout tags/0.0.25
python ./docs/benchmarks/


using the cpu and cuda-89 container (note that cc-89 matches to Nvidia L4)

docker run -it -p 7997:80 --pull always 
--model-id BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5 --max-client-batch-size 256

docker run -it -p "7997:80" --gpus all --pull always 
--model-id BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 --max-client-batch-size 256

tensorrt, onnx-gpu:

docker buildx build --target production-tensorrt -t inf-trt . && docker run -it -p "7997:7997" --gpus all inf-trt v2 --model-id BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 --engine optimum --device "cuda OR tensorrt"


To launch the benchmarks

make benchmark_embed

Below are the following metrics: * Requests # / sec (1 request = 256 sentences / 115_000 tokens) * time to run benchmark (10 requests = 1_150_000 tokens)

Results: CPU-only (BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5 | bert-small)

Model Time (seconds) Requests # / sec (mean)
infinity-optimum-int8 100.490 0.10
infinity-optimum (onnx) 125.342 0.08
fastembed (onnx) 125.770 0.08
sentence-transformers (torch) 256.884 0.04
infinity (torch) 353.065?? 0.03 (needs revision)
huggingface/TEI (candle) 1104.357 0.009

Results: NVIDIA L4 (BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 | bert-large)

Model Requests # / sec (mean) Time (seconds)
huggingface/TEI (candle, flashbert) 0.54 18.491
infinity (torch + compile + fa2) 0.51 19.562
tensorrt (via infinity) 0.43 23.367
infinity (onnx-gpu fp16, fused layers) 0.41 24.448
sentence-transformers (fp16) 0.17 59.107

Results: AMD MI210 (BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 | bert-large)

Model Requests # / sec (mean) Time (seconds)
infinity (torch + no compile + fa2 disabled) 0.75 13.400

Results: AWS INF2 xlarge (BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 | bert-large)

Model Requests # / sec (mean) Time (seconds)
infinity (neuron, fp16, constant batch_size 4 / 512 seq) 0.11 90.564