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Python Engine Integration

Launching Embedding generation with Python

Use asynchronous programming in Python using asyncio for flexible and efficient embedding processing with Infinity. This advanced method allows for concurrent execution of different requests, making it ideal for high-throughput embedding generation.

import asyncio
from infinity_emb import AsyncEngineArray, EngineArgs, AsyncEmbeddingEngine
from infinity_emb.log_handler import logger
logger.setLevel(5) # Debug

# Define sentences for embedding
sentences = ["Embed this sentence via Infinity.", "Paris is in France."]
# Initialize the embedding engine with model specifications
array = AsyncEngineArray.from_args([

async def embed_image(engine: AsyncEmbeddingEngine): 
    await engine.astart()  # initializes  the engine
    job1 = asyncio.create_task(engine.embed(sentences=sentences))
    # submit a second job in parallel
    job2 = asyncio.create_task(engine.embed(sentences=["Hello world"]))
    # usage is total token count according to tokenizer.
    embeddings, usage = await job1
    embeddings2, usage2 = await job2
    # Embeddings are now available for use - they ran in the same batch.
    print(f"for {sentences}, generated embeddings {len(embeddings)} with tot_tokens={usage}")
    await engine.astop()


Reranking gives you a score for similarity between a query and multiple documents. Use it in conjunction with a VectorDB+Embeddings, or as standalone for small amount of documents. Please select a model from huggingface that is a AutoModelForSequenceClassification with one class classification.

import asyncio
from infinity_emb import AsyncEngineArray, EngineArgs, AsyncEmbeddingEngine
query = "What is the python package infinity_emb?"
docs = ["This is a document not related to the python package infinity_emb, hence...", 
    "Paris is in France!",
    "infinity_emb is a package for sentence embeddings and rerankings using transformer models in Python!"]
array = AsyncEmbeddingEngine.from_args(
  [EngineArgs(model_name_or_path = "mixedbread-ai/mxbai-rerank-xsmall-v1", engine="torch")]

async def rerank(engine: AsyncEmbeddingEngine): 
    async with engine:
        ranking, usage = await engine.rerank(query=query, docs=docs)
        print(list(zip(ranking, docs)))
    # or handle the async start / stop yourself.
    await engine.astart()
    ranking, usage = await engine.rerank(query=query, docs=docs)
    await engine.astop()[0]))

When using the CLI, use this command to launch rerankers:

infinity_emb v2 --model-id mixedbread-ai/mxbai-rerank-xsmall-v1

Example models: - mixedbread-ai/mxbai-rerank-xsmall-v1 - BAAI/bge-reranker-base - jinaai/jina-reranker-v1-turbo-en

CLIP models

CLIP models are able to encode images and text at the same time.

import asyncio
from infinity_emb import AsyncEngineArray, EngineArgs, AsyncEmbeddingEngine

sentences = ["This is awesome.", "I am bored."]
images = [""]
engine_args = EngineArgs(
    model_name_or_path = "wkcn/TinyCLIP-ViT-8M-16-Text-3M-YFCC15M", 
array = AsyncEngineArray.from_args([engine_args])

async def embed(engine: AsyncEmbeddingEngine): 
    await engine.astart()
    embeddings, usage = await engine.embed(sentences=sentences)
    embeddings_image, _ = await engine.image_embed(images=images)
    await engine.astop()["wkcn/TinyCLIP-ViT-8M-16-Text-3M-YFCC15M"]))

Example models: - wkcn/TinyCLIP-ViT-8M-16-Text-3M-YFCC15M - jinaai/jina-clip-v1 (requires pip install timm) - Currently no support for pure vision models: nomic-ai/nomic-embed-vision-v1.5, ..

Text Classification

Use text classification with Infinity's classify feature, which allows for sentiment analysis, emotion detection, and more classification tasks.

import asyncio
from infinity_emb import AsyncEngineArray, EngineArgs, AsyncEmbeddingEngine

sentences = ["This is awesome.", "I am bored."]
engine_args = EngineArgs(
    model_name_or_path = "SamLowe/roberta-base-go_emotions", 
    engine="torch", model_warmup=True)
array = AsyncEngineArray.from_args([engine_args])

async def classifier(): 
    async with engine:
        predictions, usage = await engine.classify(sentences=sentences)
    # or handle the async start / stop yourself.
    await engine.astart()
    predictions, usage = await engine.classify(sentences=sentences)
    await engine.astop()["SamLowe/roberta-base-go_emotions"]))

Example models: - ProsusAI/finbert - SamLowe/roberta-base-go_emotions